01478 272058 or 07522544280

About Us
Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations (SLCVO) support third sector groups, people and public bodies to make a difference in their communities by:
Delivering and developing Third Sector Interface Services on behalf of the Highland Third Sector Interface in Skye, Lochalsh and Wester Ross
Delivering and developing voluntary befriending services in Skye and Lochalsh (Befrienders Skye and Lochalsh)
To find out more about SLCVO and view our Annual Report and Accounts please visit www.slcvo.org.uk
Data Protection
Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations is committed to data protection and we take great care to ensure any personal data is safe. We aim to comply with current legislation and professional codes of conduct. Personal data will not be shared with third parties without the prior consent of the person it applies to.
Personal information will be stored and managed in accordance with Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations and Befrienders Skye and Lochalsh Data Protection and Confidentiality Policies and Procedures. Read our Privacy notice here or ask our Befriending Co-ordinator for a copy.
Befrienders Skye and Lochalsh voluntary befriending service is funded by Highland Hospice Helping Hands, NHS Highland and Eilean a' Cheò Council Ward 10 and SLCVO. Funding is secure until the end of March .
Meet Our Coordinator
Our Befriending Co-ordinator is Samantha-Jo McArthur and she has worked with Skye and Lochalsh CVO for 9 years, working as one of our Development Officers. She did originally set up the Befrienders service and is now our befriender co-ordinator again alongside her other roles with us.
Samantha-Jo is from Skye and does not see any other place as home.
Befriending Coordinator: Samantha-Jo McArthur
Working Hours: Monday – Wednesday 9.15 -15.15
Email: befrienders@slcvo.org.uk
Telephone: 01478272058
Mobile: 07522544280